I lost my Parallel drive on my Mac. It was driving me nuts not being able to be in the PC world AND the Mac world at the same time.
So I reformatted.
You all know what that is like...those of you who HAVE reformatted before and not just gone for years with all those viruses and glitches hiding on your hard-drive. For those of you who are not avid "reformatters" I will tell you that you spend hours and hours and hours putting all your programs back on. You've also lost all your music so you either have to upload them from your external backup drive (you DO backup your stuff, don't you?) and all the settings and cookies that make surfing and life so much easier.
I am tired of waiting for Moshdule to txt me how to get to her Blog so I am going to bed now. Jane Eyre awaits me via my Blackjack.
1 comment:
I need a mac. Everyone has one but me.
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